Q: Do you take insurance?

A: I am an “out-of-network” provider. If your insurance carrier offers you out-of-network benefits, you can often be reimbursed for a percentage of my services depending on your specific plan. You will need to speak with your carrier directly about this and I can assist you with the process as well.


Q: My schedule is so busy. What if I can’t make it in regularly?

A: Life can be hectic, which is often why we struggle with taking time for ourselves and practicing self-care. I offer a variety of session options, including online video sessions, which many people prefer so they can meet from their work offices, couches or at times when traveling to my office isn’t possible. I am happy to support you as regularly as you’d like, even if that doesn’t mean every week.


Q:  How do we start the therapy process?

A: After an initial phone consultation, we will schedule a time to meet for your first session. This session is used to gain an understanding of what is causing you to seek therapy now and to obtain a thorough history so we can identify the best goals for our work together. From there, depending on your needs, weekly sessions are recommended and scheduled. I recommend weekly sessions in the beginning to build a strong rapport and momentum for our work. As it becomes necessary, sessions can be scheduled less frequently or gradually tapered off.


Q: Will you tell my workplace, school or others what we are doing in therapy?

A: Confidentiality is key to the therapeutic relationship. In the majority of situations, unless you give me permission to do so, I will not be in contact with anyone outside of our work together. For young clients, I incorporate parents into the process so they can provide support and encouragement of our work outside of our sessions. However, I do not disclose specific details if the child does not feel comfortable with me doing so. For all clients, if safety (either yours or someone else’s) is at risk, I will have to disclose that information to the appropriate people to maintain everyone’s safety. We can discuss this issue further in our sessions as well.


Q:  My child is very anxious about coming to therapy and says he/she does not want to come. What do I do?

A: I use an approach where only the parents are seen for the first few sessions and the utmost thought is put into whether the child needs to come to therapy or if change can be made via the parents. Although therapy is not something to be ashamed of, despite best efforts, children can feel they are in trouble or there is “something wrong with them,” leading to resistance about coming to sessions. I encourage parents from the beginning to act positively about the therapy process. It is often helpful to explain therapy from a helping stance, such as, “Things have been hard in the family lately and we want to work as a team to make it feel better. We are going to see someone who will help us help you. She helps kids/teens and their family learn how to feel better/braver/happier, etc.” For young children, you can even refer to it as seeing a “Feelings Helper.” I have found that when parents are engaged first and with supportive encouragement, most children are able to come to therapy despite their anxiety about it and use it successfully. 


Q:  Do you provide custody evaluations?

A: No, I do not provide evaluations related to divorce and custody arrangements.


Q: Do you prescribe medication? What if I need it?

A: I do not – only medical providers can prescribe medications. When desired or necessary, I work closely with your other providers to collaborate on your care and ensure we are all on the same page.